Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Ties That Bind

On May 3, 1971, I was introduced to someone who would become one of the most influential people in my life - Alvin Kumeh Chea. Alvin is my big brother, my protector, my reminiscing buddy and my friend. Now, growing up we weren't particularly close. As a matter of fact, a few of years after meeting me (May 3, 1971 was the day I was born) Alvin tried to suffocate me. I guess I had begun my obnoxious little sister stage and he figured he'd had enough. Alvin peppered my life with many memorable experiences. There was the time that he put halloween masks on my poster bed while I was sleeping. I simultaneously woke up and passed out. There was the time that I had made him so mad he punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me (to date that was the only time I've had the wind knocked out of me. I should also mention Alvin was wearing a cast at the time). Yeah, as my mother would say as youngin's "our coocoo didn't boil". Happily I can say that post the beatdown my mother gave him for the Frazier like beatdown he put on me, our siblinghood has been on a constant rising trajectory.

When I was in middle school, Alvin introduced me to Chuck Mangione, Al Jarreau, Spyro Gyra, The Yellowjackets, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, Tom Browne, Boz Scaggs and countless other musicians. I remember jamming to funky basslines, chord changes and rhythm sections with a Quincy Jones like appreciation in the 6th grade. Jamaica Funk drew me in back then and it remains my all time favorite funk jam. Alvin is responsible for making me a music snob.

In June of 1989, my brother managed to complete a double major in English/Communications while traveling the world with the newly formed Take 6. 25 years, 10 Grammy's and countless other awards later my brother continues to accomplish what for most would be daunting. He is a full time husband, full time father, full time Take 6 member, part time law student, full time session singer and voice over artist, men's ministry leader and praise team leader. And no, we're not Jamaican :-)

As a father I liken my brother to a modern day Heathcliff Huxtable, minus the Coogie sweaters and penchant for hoagies. His oldest just turned 19 and his youngest was 2 months old at the writing of this piece. His approach to parenting is steeped in practicality, pragmatism and where the rubber meets the road-isms. My brother is very much his mother's child. Quite often my nephew Cole will ask me a question which more often than not is usually totally off the wall and abstract. Without hesitation I tell him to "go ask your father, he'll know the answer". Guess what, he usually does.

My brother isn't big on words, but when he does speak he is dropping pearls of wisdom and you know his words are thoughtful and sincere. The other day he told me I was a better cook than my mother (my mother was an extraordinary cook). You would have thought both Julia Childs and James Beard had presented me with a culinary honor. With all that my brother has accomplished in life, it would be easy to pick an accolade on which to pin my admiration. Truth is, if my brother weren't a multiple award winning artist I'd still be tickled pink to share the Chea name with him.

Alvin, if you are reading this - know that my love, admiration, support, and awe is unconditional. You are an amazing man, a rendering of the type of man I pray to be joined with one day.



  1. Very, very cool. You both are special people that have made your corner of the world better. Great example of a sibling love relationship that is real.

  2. Like begets like...or at least is tied to it by blood. It's always a wonderful thing when people can still hear this kind of appreciation and praise while they're still around to hear it, ya know?

    Much love to BOTH of you. I did have one question though...who is "Chuch Mangione"? I know CHUCK Mangione, but Chuch is...his younger brother? Help me out here. LOL ;)

  3. Cynthia, the writing and sentiment are both beautiful. I am a glutton for well executed, heartfelt writing and today you have fed me!!! Blessings.
