Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 things about little ole' me

1. I think I would be the perfect first lady to a ruler of an African nation
2. When I was a teenager I used to make out with my pillow. I've been told it was a worthwhile effort.
3. I am unseemingly preoccupied with Ebay and I've got the goods to prove it!
4. I always feel like somebody's watching me.
5. I've already picked out the names for my three children - Orion, Sinoe & Cassius.
6. While I am very much a girlie girl, I am partial to boy children and would be happy to have only boys. Oh, I REALLY have a thing for nerdy, eyeglass wearing, bug collecting little boys.
7. If there were such a thing as previous lives, I believe I was the child of an incredibly wealthy Jewish titan of industry.
8. I both love and loathe working out.
9. I rehearse what I'll say when I meet a celebrity but when I do I just stand there and blink repeatedly like i'm chromosonally challenged. I am SURE Idris Elba sent in a check to some mentally challenged kids charity after meeting me.
10. I rarely if ever go to movies. On the average, I see 1 movie a year.
11. I've been to Uganda, Ecuador, Kenya, Hawaii, South Africa, Australia, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Panama, The Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Canada (Calgary & Toronto) and Germany but have only visited a smattering of the continental United States.
12. I want a French bulldog. His name shall be called "Basquiat".
13. There are entire spans of years of my life of which I have NO recollection. I went to my 20th high school reunion and sat through a number of stories where I was the central figure....nope, zip, nada, no recuerda papi!
14. I have the ability to make very compelling arguments from either side of the aisle. My neurosis is a gift.
15. If I could only eat one meal everyday for the rest of my life it would be fish & grits (cornmeal breaded whiting and cheese grits to be specfic) OR Foie gras on brioche. How's that for two extremes of the food world?
16. Intellect trumps looks for me EVERY time. Intelligence and depth are maddening aphrodisiacs.
17. To date, the BEST years of my life were spent in NYC from 1996-2002 with Stacy Campbell Marshall, Lejoi Reese & Jay Mayberry.
18. I am an amateur art collector and I can't wait to put my collection on display. So far I've got Kehinde Wiley and Kadir Nelson in my bounty!
19. I have nightmares of being chased by a hairdresser wielding a vat of super Optimum perm.
20. I am totally CONVINCED that a woman can NEVER have too many shoes.
21. My paternal grandfather was a paramount chief and the founder of the village of Bana in Sinoe County, Liberia.
22. When I was a baby, my brother thought I was so ugly he tried to suffocate me.
23. I was thisclose to adopting an incrediby beautiful little girl from Uganda. Not being able to do so was my biggest disappointment but turned out to be an even greater blessing.
24. I would move ANYWHERE for love.
25. I always thought my soul mate would be my life mate. Turns out my soul mate is my best friend/sister/therapist/cheerleader Stacy Ann Campbell Marshall.
26. I am a hopeful romantic. Just when I think I've given up on love I fall right in all over again!
27. I live by the credo "take the meeting". You never know what the person across the table has to offer. This nugget was a gift from my broham - Alvin Kumeh Chea.
28. I still believe that honesty is the best policy. If I mess up, I'll fess up.
29. I am amazed that so many "grown folk" live such emotionally irresponsible lives. To put is simply, it still stands that "what goes around comes around".
30. Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing I've EVER done!

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